

Auditory Illusions – Free Holophonic Sounds

Listen to these holophonic auditory illusions using headphones. You might also want to try closing your eyes. The way the audio was recorded creates the effect of being in a 3D environment. The sounds seem to be coming from all different directions. Try out the virtual haircut.

(Use headphones for full effect!)


Holophonic Sounds (* = Recommended)

Bell   (152 k)

*Blow dryer  (160 k)

Courtyard sounds  (1.2 mb)

Dog barking  (192 k)

Flutes in Singapore  (3.4 mb)

Frogs  (654 k)

Homeward  (1.2 mb)

Invitation  (110 k)

*Matchbox  (1.8 mb)

Oldtime song  (744 k)

River run  (980 k)

Scissors  (175 k)

**Virtual Haircut  (6.2 mb)

Vivaldi  (748 k)

Waves  (1.2 mb)

Woman’s voice  (339 k)

I’ve noticed that sometimes they have trouble loading… If this happens just refresh the page and they should work Smile



Leave a Reply
  1. I blogged this everywhere way tooo coool!!
    now all my friends are listening to it!
    great find and deliver!

  2. It is wonderful — your brain cannot help but trip over itself
    in a frenzy of confusion, for the sound is so realistic that it
    thinks the experience is truly taking place.
    I actually flinched and shivered a few times. Brilliant.

  3. Oh my gosh, this stuff is amazing. Crazy awesome though! Razz I loved every minute of these sounds and especially that virtual haircut. It is like they are in the room with me. I LOVE THIS STUFF! Thank you so much for providing for them for us!

  4. brillo…..i shuddered when the barber, whispered. well to be honest i jumped ,opening my eyes looking around. quite a shock to see my room again! brillo!!

  5. I remember listening to a demo 7″ record, yes vinyl, by sennheiser about 30 years ago. It was just like this. A woman’s voice, a church bell, birds singing etc.

    The cover of the record showed a dummy’s head with a microphone in each ear.

    It’s definitely not a new idea!

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