Video clips of Simpsons characters tripping out. Lisa takes happy pills, Bart drinks an experimental Squishy, Marge drinks tap water dosed with LSD, Mr. Burns inhales an ether soaked rag, Dr. Hibbert smokes marijuana, Homer eats Guatemalan insanity peppers, licks hallucinogenic toads, hallucinates from eating too much meat, and smokes marijuana.
This is what happened right after homer ate the Guatemalan insanity pepper. Homer starts tripping out while talking to Flanders. Not the best video quality, but all I could find.
This is Lisa after she started taking pills to make her feel more happy. Again, not a great quality video.
Lenny licking a hallucinogenic frog while at work.
A crazy edited video from when Homer ate the Guatemalan insanity pepper.
Homer Simpson smokes marijuana.
Rave Homer. Suggested to us by Jez.
you should add this to the list!