
New Psychedelic Trippy Images

Here are a few graphics I found on the internet. There is a Grateful Dead style band, a strange multiple layered patten, psychedelic meditation graphic, a trippy pattern image, a fractal spiral, and a strange colorful psychedelic graphic. I hope you enjoy them. Smile

Grateful Dead style bandTrippy patternsTrippy meditationColorful PatternRainbow SpiralPsychedelic trip

Check out the post: New Trippy Psychedelic Images 2

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  1. that comment about the seccond grader, is comming from the person who cant spell, awesome pics ! Smile

  2. The man under the tree is a picture by artist Bill Morris of Springfield Illinois.

  3. Tumblr is also good for psy art stuff. Also the “psyamb blog” has some cool stuff.

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